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The Association for Environment Conscious Building
Test surfaces on an insulated facade with a "premium facade color" and Climate Coating external reveal great differences in quality
Berlin building expert inspected facades in the L.str. 56 in Berlin and the left neighbor building. This involved facade colors in-practice comparison (outdoor exposure of the test surfaces after 6 years on the ETICS facade).
On the neighbouring building, a test painting with the best facade color of a market leader was executed at the adjacent gable. After 6 years, there is an obvious problem: clearly marked cracks in the coating. The visibility of the cracks is possible without tools.
The facade color of a market leader to be seen here is a "particularly dirt-tolerant silicone resin facade paint with outstanding binder-filler combination" with the properties "soiled-minimized, capil-larhydrophob, mineral matt, highly water-repellent". The theory and practice seem to differ somewhat here: with this crack pattern, the color is rather not water-repellent. This shows that the assignment to impact resistance of an ETICS according to DIN 4108-3, Table 3, line 6, to stress groups I to III is a theoretical, albeit standardized assumption.
The comparative area on the gable of the house No. 56 was also coated with ThermoShield Exterieur by Karl from Berlin, also 6 years ago. The investigation of the ThermoShield test area resulted in a harmless state even under the facade magnifying glass at different zoom levels. This facade coating significantly exceeds the competitor's results after 6 years.
The "black house" in the Netherlands has already been used as a concept: you can paint a house in black - and there are no cracks, bubbles and other damages. And that for years. Since the spring of 2014, the "Black House" of Madrid has been established in Spain's capital. The building is located in Calle de Manual Tovar 42 / corner Calle Salcedo and it houses, among other things, the Urban Lab Madrid. Here approximately 2,000 m² clinker facade were coated with ThermoShield in black - at times, when one still spoke of the light reference value.
But whether it is a light reference value or a TSR value ("Total Solar Reflectance") - Climate Coating breaks through traditional patterns. You can call it "the white black", you can also leave it. Remarkable is that a black facade does not necessarily mean heating up and destruction if you opt for Climate Coating.
Speaking of the TSR value: ThermoShield also reflects the UV part of the solar radiation (SOL = UV + VIS + IR) only to a modest extent to the 10%. Thanks to the ceramic hollow balls, however, this does not have any effect. Thus, one expert can conclude that Climate Coating is more than just color. Speaking of color: the 80 hollow windows with aluminium cladding were painted in 18 different shades with Climate Coating.
The residential block in the Austrian Kapfenberg is a high-rise building (ground floor + 10 floors), built in 1974, with 44 apartments. Heating was district heating (without hot water preparation). The facade area renovated in 2011 with Climate Coating external is approx. 4100 m². The specialist company was HESCHMALER from 8345 Straden.
An analysis of the change in the heating energy consumption took place in January 2015 by Ing. Franz Windisch and Ing. Herbert Emminger, who belong to the owner community. If heating energy consumption amounted to 394.6 MWh during the billing period 2010/2011, it was only 352.8 and 358.9 MWh respectively in the following two billing periods. This corresponds to a consumption reduction of around 10%.
For economical comparison, only the additional costs are to be compared; when a facade insulation is compared, it is about the material cost difference to the leveling coat of the ETICS. The IWO Austria has 22% of the savings potential, while the IWO in Germany accounts for 19%, the co2online GmbH Berlin is 19% (02.2014) and according to Germany's heating mirror 2014 it is only 12% (10.2014).
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